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  • Gao Ming Xia
  • Published:2018/12/09 00:00:00 News source:The station


Gao Mingxia, female, lecturer of law School  of Xi'an Jiao Tong University. Graduated from Yan'an University and Northwest University of Politics and Law with a bachelor's degree in economics and a master's degree in economic law. Taught at the Law School of Xi'an Jiao Tong University Since July 1998. The main research areas are Environmental law and Economic law.


Major provincial and ministerial projects attended:

Project of Ministry of Education "study on the legal system of emissions trading" (2007)

Shaanxi Weihe basin management project "Weihe basin management legislation mode and suggestion" (2011)

Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund Project of Ministry of Education "Research on ecosystem protection mechanism in   China based on water resources renewable capacity" (2010)  

Compilation of teaching materials and works attended:

Hu Desheng, Zuo Qiting, Gao Mingxia, etc. Research on China 's Ecosystem Protection Mechanism ---from the Perspective of Water Resources Renewability [M]. Beijing: Law Press, 2015.

Hu Desheng ( Editor-in-chief) . Law of Environment and Resources Protection (2nd edition) [M].Xi'an: Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, 2017.

Liu Cibang( Editor-in-chief) Economic Law [M]. Xi'an: Shaanxi people's publishing house, 2016.

Feng Xianfen( Editor-in-chief)  Economic Law [M]. Xi'an: Xi'an Jiao  Tong University press, 2018.


On the legal obstacles and countermeasures of ecological environment protection in the western development [J].Journal of Northwest University, Philosophy and Social Sciences, 2003, 1.

My view on compensation for thermal pollution damage [J]. Journal of Guangxi Institute of political and law management, 2004, 2.

Suggestions on implementing Emission Trading System in the Weihe River Basin [J].Journal of Northwest University, Philosophy and Social Sciences, 2006,5.

Legal thinking on prevention and control of solid waste pollution in rural areas in China [J]. Rule by law and society, 2007, 6.

Problems and suggestions on the legislation of ecosystem management in China [J]. Journal of Xi'an University  of Posts and Telecommunications, 2011, 6.

Legislative issues and suggestions on water ecological compensation in China 's drainage basin [J]. Journal of Shaanxi youth Career Academy, 2011,3.

Improved of the legislation of basin water space management in China [J]. Jiangxi Social Sciences, 2013,12.

E-mail Address: gmx30@xjtu.edu.cn